Fall Festival
October 14, 2017
The Fall Festival is an opportunity to visit Grace Bible Camp during the most beautiful time of the year. This event is intended for individuals and families. Among all of the fun activities listed below we also have amazing Bible studies for children and youth that will be led by GBC counselors. Our adult Bible studies will be led by Pastor Tyler Clem. Pastor Tyler is the pastor of Vesuvius Baptist Church. Live music this year will be led by Pastor Tyler and Pastor Scott after dinner Saturday evening.
The fee for the weekend includes all of the activities as well as two meals on Saturday.
Horse Drawn Wagon Rides
Squeezing Fresh Cider
Inflatable Games
Ping Pong
Mini Golf
Live Music

Fall Festival Schedule
10:00 am Fall Fellowship Time in the Dining Hall (Coffee, Hot Cocoa, Cider, and Light Refreshments)
10:30 Cider Squeezin', Antique Apple Peeler,
Pumpkin Carvin' Contest, Hike to the Prayer Well
11:30 Bible Study (Classes for adults and kids)
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Minibikes, Archery, Riflery, and Movie
3:30 Horse Drawn Wagon Rides, Inflatable Games,
Popcorn, and Sno Cones
5:30 Camp Store Open
6:00 Dinner
6:45 Bible Study (Classes for adults and kids)
7:30 Live Music by Pastor Tyler and Pastor Scott
8:00 Head Home
Fall Festival Fees
(Total feel includes the registration fee)
Children (17 and under)....................................$20.00
Registration Fee ..............................................$10.00